Read the latest letter from CWT’s CEO

In the quest for sustainable solutions and the vital shift away from fossil fuels, innovations in green technology like those from Circular Water Technologies (CWT) spotlight a hopeful path forward. Read more

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Sista dag för teckning är den 15 november 2023

Till aktieägarna i våra bolag Det du nyligen fick på posten från oss är inte ett konventionellt prospekt/memorandum med prominenta styrelsemedlemmar, glada medarbetare och häpnadsväckande prognoser. Vad vi har skickat ut är gedigna fakta om en helt ny teknik för att göra rent vatten för människor och industri. Om du inte har läst vårt erbjudande…

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The sun will provide both electricity and water

Scarab’s core technology is the cornerstone of a “project of the year” of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). Using the sun to generate electricity and desalinate water in the same equipment is one of Scarab’s main concepts. Co-generation of electricity and water. Nine international Masters students are working in the project which…

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The existing 8000 shareholders in the Scarab licensees are offered an additional subscription.

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Some news from 2023

Our first commercial production line for proprietary core components is ready in Tyresö outside of Stockholm and the products have performed well in testing. Scarab has received a Request for Quotation from NEOM for “Zero Discharge Solar Desalination”. Hydromars has been selected by ESA to send up a prototype in orbit with SpaceX to evaluate…

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