During the past year, Scarab has filed three new patent applications and signed nine new confidentiality agreements. Two new product companies have been formed, Type1Water and CWT.
Circular Water Technologies AB (publ) was distributed to the shareholders in Xzero and HVR after Scarab received inquiries about equipment for the production of green hydrogen gas. A new share issue that was heavily oversubscribed was completed in March 2021. This secures the financing for two years of operation and enabled the company to recruit a new CEO.
The company has received four RFQs (requests for quotation) from major power companies without the marketing having begun and before we even have a finished product to offer.
HVR has completed the conversion to solar operation of its pilot plant in Odisha, India. The plant has also been automated. The facility will be in trial operation during 2022 and serve as a model for future units. The next step is a demonstration facility in Egypt where we will be able to invite partners and customers.
Hydromars During the year, Hydromars, has been busy in adapting the technology for use in weightlessness. Hydromars has signed a confidentiality agreement with DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt – German Aeorspace Center) and established a partnership with ESA BIC (European Space Agency) and thereby received a first grant corresponding to SEK 500,000.
Type1Water AB (publ) was distributed to the shareholders in Xzero when the first prototypes were completed of the first product – Nanocap. Subsequently Type 1 completed a successful new share issue. A DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) has been implemented for Nanocap by Bosch and production is expected to start in 2022. The CEO of Type1Water has according to plan taken over the role of CEO in Xzero and a new market oriented CEO of Type1Water will be recruited in the coming years.
Xzero During the year, Xzero submitted a final report to the EU for the project to develop Ultra-clean water for the semiconductor industry. Following the approval of the report, Xzero has received an offer to submit a prospectus for equity investment from the European Investment Bank. This will be done in 2022.
In 2021, final drawings for new modules have been produced and injection moulding equipment has been purchased. The first commercial deliveries are planned for 2022. The new modules are an improvement on those modules that have been successfully tested for ten years at Sjöstadsverket, an experimental station run jointly by KTH and IVL (SERI – Swedish Environmental Research Institute).